Don´t Panic
like on "The Hitchhiker´s guid to the Galaxy" this is my first and most
important advice, when you finally face your destination. You have just
arrived, preparations that lasted for months are over. But if you are
just a little bit like me then in that moment when all of your worries
leave you you will start panicking. And if you ask me that is totally
are diving head first into a huge adventure and it is absolutely okay
if that frightens you. What really helped me was to be open about it.
Talk to your good friends and understanding members of your family.
if anyone makes you feel guilty for being sad, while you are on such a
great trip cut them out of your life. You can be sad in any situation
and it never helps to supress feelings (except when they are feelings of
love towards douchy exboyfriends).
What also is very helpful is to think: Others have been trough this as well. No
matter how complicated Rio´s subway system may be, or how completely
differen Myanmar´s etiquette is, you are very likely not the first
person, who is travelling in this country and facing this challenges.
And if others can do it, so can you!
Phone home
hail the smart phone! Thanks to this wonderful technological evolution
we cannot only post our picture perfect breakfast on instagram, but it
is also so much easier to keep in touch with loved ones. First and
foremost: turn off your roaming or you will pay billions and rely on
Wifi. While Germany acts like Wifi is made of pure gold most other
countries are a little more generous with it and most bars, restaurants
and basically all hostels offer a quick and cheap connection to the
world wide web. If you should be staying in a country for a bit longer
it can actually pay off to invest in a local SIM-Card for mobile
internet at all times. If you install Whatsapp, Skype or if you have an
iPhone use Facetime your contact home is secured without spending big
money on it. However you should be most focused on enjoying your trip
instead of constantly keeping in touch. Good friendships can deal with a
little less contact for a while and what´s the point of missing a great
view or new travel companion just to hear those old relationship
stories from home you already know by heart? Let your loved ones know
you are safe, but make sure to also have some stories left to tell for
when you get back.
The worst of all diseases: Homesickness
is absolutely horrible. And no matter how pretty the beaches, or how
amazing the citys or even how wild the parties are you can still get
homesick. Homesickness can rob you of all your energy and it can ruin
whole days. There are loads of different cures and you have to find out
what helps you best. While I love to have brief contact, like a short
call, others acutally feel more homsick after calling their loved ones
and like to get their mind of the homesickness by packing their day with
it helps to put things into perspective by seeing how long you actually
have been on the go and how much time is left and sometimes it is best
to just talk about your feelings to other travellers. I have never met
anyone who hasn´t been homesick of one point or another while on a big
trip. But make sure not to wallow in selfpitty. Yes talk about it, maybe
even cry about it, but then make sure to go on and do something nice
that day as well. And if it gets too bad, there is no shame in going
home. It happens to the best of us and booking a flight home a little
earlier, if you are really feeling horrible may be better for your and
your soul than to stay in a country just to go through with it. Some
countries may just not be for you or maybe you are just not ready yet
for such a big adventure. And that is absolutely okay.
magic ingredient for a wonderful trip. It might feel safer to have
everything scheduled and planned out, but in my experience the most
wonderful things happen to you when you least expect it. I got invited
by a wonderful family to join them on their holiday in Pucon, without
ever having thought about going to the soth of Chile and it was one of
the most impressive places I have ever been to, I have moved to a friend
in Santiago, a city I totally fell in love with, but never had on my
agenda and that friend is still one of my favourite people to this day, I
explored Ilha Grande without ever having heard about if before: all of
these experiences were so so great and I would have missed them if I
would not have just been spontaneous. So leave some gaps in your
schedule and explore new things, to me that´s what travelling is all
don´t rush off from somewhere you really like just to fulfill all of
your to dos. If you really want to there will always be a chance to come
back and explore more. I like to take time for the things I really want
to see, instead of seeing a little bit of everything, but really
exploring nothing at all.
Being sceptic
"Be careful!",
"It´s so dangerous there!", "Watch out for yourself!"- generally true
and good advice to be kept in the back of your head at all times. But
still: This scepticism can also get in your way. Especially in brazil I
was so careful during all of my interactions, shut off conversations
quickly and was sure that all the street hawker were just trying to rip
me off. None of that happened. Of course it is important to have a
general level of caution, but this can also ruin your chances of real
great conversations and experiences with local people. A lot of them
just wanted to help us or talk a little bit, many of the hawkers gave us
little discounts and even gifts. So balance out caution and open
mindedness and let great possibilities happen if you have a good feeling
in your gut. Of course do not run around waving cash or your credit
card, but also do not just stick to other travellers and have no
interaction at all with people from the country you are visiting.
Ebenezer Scrooge
you are a student every penny truly counts. The easiest way to save
money is to avoid the stream of tourists and follow the locals. If you
cannot spot one local person at a train stop, buses are probably a lot
cheaper. If there are only tourists at the "great traditional
restaurant", it is very likely that this is an expensive tourist trap.
You can also check if the hostel you are staying at has a kitchen where you can make your own food to save some money.
markets or street stands it is generally okay to bargain a little,
usually they try to start with a higher price for tourist anyway. Just
make sure to keep the bargaining easy going and fun. A smile can go a
long way.
the things you least expect are what are most expensive at the end of
the day. For example cosmetic products were incredibly expensive in
Brazil and Chile did not offer monthly tickets to public transport and
all of the bus and metro tickets got expensive pretty quickly.
Thanks for the memories
a journal. Travelling will teach you so much about yourself, looking at
your life from a far, will give you a totally new perspective and
facing challenges on your own will show you just how much you are really
capable of. Don´t forget this, write it down!
take as many pictures as you can, you will probably never regret having
too many good puctures of your friends, a nice party or a great sunset.
This is generally good life advice if you ask me.
while you might think of getting all of your friends a present, also
think of one for yourself to remember the trip. Something that will make
you remember the gorgeous nature, the wonderful people you met and the
great partys at the beach even on the greyest of november days.
7 Kommentare
Jaaa es gibt den Blog noch :) Danke dir,ich hoffe bald Fotos vom Kleid machen zu können!
AntwortenLöschenDer Post ist super! Ich hab ja schon viele Reiseposts gelesen aber der ist echt hilfreicht, auch hinsichtlich meines Auslandsjahrs. So, und die älteren Beiträge muss ich auch gleich noch nachlesen :)
Liebste Grüße <3
Oh mein Gott ich bin sowas von neidisch!! :(
Ich liebe deinen Blog und freue mich jedes mal, wenn du etwas neues gepostet hast. ♥
AntwortenLöschenDankeschön!! :))
AntwortenLöschenDie Bilder sind wunderschön!! *-*
Vor allem das vom Strand! :OO
Liebe Grüße, Ly :)
wow was für ein schöner Post <3
AntwortenLöschenwirklich toller post, so schöne eindrücke :) und ich mag irgendwie deinen header sehr :) verfolge deinen blog mit blogconnect jetzt :)
AntwortenLöschenIch würde mich freuen, wenn du meinen Blog besuchen würdest, vielleicht gefällt er dir :)
-> Mein Blog
AntwortenLöschenich bin auch zu geizig für die Flachmänner bei UO :D.
Dein Flachmann wird bestimmt genauso gut aussehen!
was für ein schöner Post!
Da kriege ich glatt fernweh :(
Thanks so much for your lovely comments, constructive criticism and suggestions. I will try to answer all of you!