


Our next stop in Thailand was Ko Pha-Ngan. The island is most famous for the huge full, half and new moon partys. Sadly we were only there for the new moon party, which compared to the huge full moon parties is tiny. We were also there during the low season in june, so the whole island seemed a little like a ghost town.
That actually was one of the main reasons I liked so much about Ko Pha-Ngan, especially after busy and crowded Bangkok the serenity was wonderful.

Getting there & Accommodation

We took the night train from Bangkok and honestly I think I have never had so much fun in my life on public transport. This old, rattly train was a little scary at first, but we ended up laughing our asses off in the stock beds and generally being very excited. The ride takes about 12 hours, we got picked up at the trainstation by a bus and then took a boat to the island. I would book the trip right at the train station in Bangkok, that is the cheapest way, we booked it in a travel agency and payed around 30 Euros.
From the pier you have to take a group taxi, which costs 100 Bhat per person. Tell the driver you would like to go to the sunrise part of the island or mention Had Rin beach. You can find any kind of acommodation there, ranging from hostels to luxury hotels. 
One thing that is very practical about travelling during the low season is that you can negotioate the prices for your rooms. We ended up staying in a hotel right at the beach in a double room with aircondition and TV for 10 Euros a night. The Paradis Bungalows also had a pool, was very clean and the staff was nice. It might be more expensive when the full moon party takes place, but it is right at the beach were it takes place.

What to do and what to eat

The nicest beach of the island is the Had Rin beach, which is right were we stayed. Honestly next to being a beach bum and the parties on the island there is not much to do except for eating.
ince that is my favourite thing to do I was happy. My best friend and I loved the great deal they offered at Paprika, consisting of a fallafel roll and a delicious smoothie for a whooping 100 Bhat. 
We also enjoyed delicious banana pancakes in a little shop that you come across, when walking from Paprika towards the Had Rin beach. The also offered great thai curries here and were the only place that had electricity during a blackout one night, so seems to be a great place!


If the big night is finally here, there are a few crucial steps to take: buy as much neon body colours as possible and paint yourself as much as you can. Maybe take this with you, as you know your true artist comes out when you are a little tipsy.
Make sure to eat a big dinner, because the favourite drink at this parties are huge buckets full of cocktails. Fine with me if you ask.
All parties have a different location, so you should check that before ending up at an empty beach. The entrances are quite expensive, usually they are around 600 Bhat (15 Euros). Definetely worth it for a full moon party, not so much for the new moon one. 

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13 Kommentare

  1. OMG What great pictures !!

    Looks like you had an amazing time :D The beach looks GREAT :d

    I have 1 new post and would love to know your opinion :)

    Just uploaded a post new and would love to know your opinion!

    Have a great day :D


  2. Ich muss zugene, dass ich schon ein wenig neidisch bin, das sieht traumhaft aus :-)

    Ich werd dir weiter folgen!

    Liebe Grüße


  3. So coole Bilder.
    Mag besonders den Affe.

    LG Lisa


  4. Ich wünsche Dir von Herzen, dass Du noch weiter von Deinem wunderbaren Urlaub zehrst, und damit mit Deinem Streß bestens zurechtkommst <3 Und vielen Dank für die klasse Bilder und Deine wie immer sehr interessanten Texte dazu!

    Alles Liebe von Rena


  5. Hach wie gern würde ich jetzt auch auf reisen gehen *.*

  6. das sieht wahnsinnig spannend aus :)

  7. Wunderbare Fotos, sieht nach einer richtigen Abenteuerreise aus! Das Foto von dem Typ mit dem Affen ist ja sehr cool :D Haha, das mit der überlangen To Do- Liste kenn ich allzu gut. Warum genau ziehst du nach Schweden? Das muss sehr aufregend sein für dich. Liebste Grüße aus Spanien, xoxo

  8. Die Fotos sind echt klasse! Ist bestimmt richtig spannend!
    Der Affe sieht ja mal lustig aus :D

    Wünsche dir noch eine tolle Zeit

    LG Franzi

  9. Die Fotos sind wunderbar. Du unterstützt mein Fernweh unglaublich doll! Aber das ist gut, nur noch zwei Tage und dann habe auch ich endlich Ferien, zwar wird es dieses Jahr keine weite Reise geben, dafür umso mehr kleine Reisen quer durch Deutschland, das wird großartig und durch deine schönen Urlaubsbilder habe ich gleich noch viel mehr Lust darauf und gute Laune dazu.
    Achso, weil mir die Bilder so gut gefallen, hast du gleich eine Leserin mehr :)

    <3 Maria

  10. Hach, was für wunderbare Bilder wiedermal. Der Affe, das Meer - du! <3

    Freue mich, wenn wir uns bald wieder treffen! =^.^=


  11. Der Affe ist tatsächlich sehr cool. Was treibt dich denn nach Schweden?
    Liebe Grüße,

  12. Sehr schöne Bilder!:)


  13. Sieht nach nem tollen Abenteuer aus ;)
    haha, der affe aufm roller ist ja süß


Thanks so much for your lovely comments, constructive criticism and suggestions. I will try to answer all of you!
