


Let´s be honest it was not an easy task for 2014 to impress me. 2013 was honestly the best year of my life, spending a quarter of it travelling all over this beautiful planet and then getting my dream university spot in Sweden, moving there and feeling more at home than I could have ever imagined. 2013 was the year I found my freedom, myself and loads of amazing friends. 2014 was the year I found my confidence and more than anything worked my butt off.
I have been working two jobs, meaning 50 to 60 hours of work a week on 6 to 7 days  since june. There were times I have been working 19 days straight or 16 hours per day. And while I have been earning my own money since I was 13, this was a completely different story.
I am really happy I spend the first five months of the year in the beautiful city of Malmö with my amazing friends and I was even more happy when I returned in november and realized that I have never made a better decision than to study there.
I am happy I managed to get an internship in a field I am really interested in and I am happy that I have acquired so much more knowledge about human rights and South America while doing it.
I am beyond grateful that I managed to get one of the two exchange spots at the University of Sussex in Brighton and that in two weeks I will be moving to England, a country I have loved to visit since I was six.
2014 may not have been as exciting as 2013, but I still accomplished a lot this year, finished my first year of studying at university, was finally strong enough to end something that had been continuing for way too long, worked hard, partied harder and finished my first short story, that I will hopefully publish next year.
It has been a stressful year, especially the last 7 months of it, but I still managed to find new friends, while working full time, learn more Swedish and visit Paris, Madrid and Prague for the first time. I have managed to grow more, accomplish a lot of the goals I had set for this year and in a magical way am still in contact with some people that I have not seen in over a year.

January: Celebrated my birthday at home, travelled back to Malmö, hosted my first party, discovered amazing cheesecake I still crave every day, ran a lot, joined my school´s magazine

February: Brunched loads of times, got a library card, celebrated valentine´s day with my single girls and loads of great drinks, got a visit from the loveliest of girls

March: Tried HIIT and stopped doing it immediately, detoxed, got a visit from my dad and his lovely wife, got roses from my friends and generally drowned in girls love

April: Visits from mom, an acceptance letter from England and picknicks by the sea, travelled home for easter

May: celebrated Valborg for the first time and loved it, bought my first pair of Nikes, enjoyed oh so many beach and park days, moved once more

June: returned to my home town, my first job ever and to horseback-riding, visited my best friend´s new home and the Hurricane festival, for the first time ever as an employee, went to Paris

July: absolutely loved Madrid and the nights out there, celebrated the world championship, worked at Mercedes once again, lived on my mom´s couch (and hated it)

August: more work, but also one more festival this time in Hamburg, lots of last minute kitten cuddles, the first big shopping trip in years, ending something I should have ended a lot earlier, moved hungover once again

September: started my life in Göttingen and my internship, slept very little, worked very much, bought the best shoes ever, got a new tattoo, finished my short story

October: went to Prague all by myself, started waitressing again, celebrated Freimarkt, dressed up for Halloween for the first time ever

November: went back to Malmö and started feeling like myself again, finally gave up on improving my diet at any time soon after a useless last approach, visited my best friend again and caught up

December: found a flat in Brighton, got a new haircut, went to a ball, ate loads of junkfood, baked a million cookies

2014 may not have brought me the incredible joy I felt for two months straight in Chile, I still do not have the body of a supermodel and my grades at University are still not at the level I would like them to be, but I have earned a lot of money and experience this year, I was able to let a lot of bad feelings go and I will start my life as a 22 two year old by boarding a plane to a country I have been dreaming of for years. We had a great time 2014, now bring it on 2015! I hope you all have a great night tonight, wether you spend it at home or partying and I hope you all get kissed at 12 o clock. Cheers to all of you wonderful people!

First and last picture via Tumblr

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9 Kommentare

  1. Oh wow, hast du dieses Jahr viel erlebt! Das hört sich alles nach einem großen Abenteuer an.
    Liebe Grüße Leni von sinnessuche.blogspot.de

  2. So ein schönes Jahr hinter dir... da wird es schwer es zu toppen ;) <3

  3. Schaut nach einem wundervollen Jahr aus! Ich wünsch dir ein ebenso tolles 2015 mit viel Freunde, Lachen und Liebe


  4. Looks like you have had a great year! Best wishes for 2015 :)


  5. Du hattest wohl ein richtig tolles 2014! Für mich geht es dieses Jahr auch endlich nach Prag. Will schon lange diese tolle Stadt erkunden und an Ostern werde ich diesen Vorsatz endlich in die Tat umsetzen.

    Viele Grüße


  6. Klingt nach einen Jahr voller toller Erfahrungen!
    Mal sehen, was 2015 für dich alles bringt.
    LG Thi

  7. Great photos and post :)

    New post on my blog :)

    Kisses. Andrea


  8. Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar :)
    Ja, mein Blog ist auch noch im Umbau, ich will noch ein paar dinge hinzufügen/ändern...
    Ich wünsche dir ein erfolgreiches neues Jahr !


  9. You had such a busy year!
    Loved your travels!
    Wishing you an even more excited 2015!
    Stella from a A Shiny Place


Thanks so much for your lovely comments, constructive criticism and suggestions. I will try to answer all of you!
