


The person requesting this post actually asked for how to balance a healthy diet with travelling. And while I don´t really feel like I can give many tips on this as I just had a nutritious dinner of Cadbury mini eggs, half a bottle of rosé and corn chips, I feel like after about four months on this trip as well as multiple long-term travels I have found a relatively balanced approach to health while travelling. This goes especially and most importantly for mental health. It is something we tend to not discuss, but travelling can be extremely mentally draining. I personally struggled intensely with homesickness and feeling anxious at the beginning of all of my travels and had just begun to accept the fact, that I usually have to spend the first few days (especially when travelling solo) heavily sobbing and in a constant panic mode.

Actually this trip is the first one, where I do not feel horrible for the first week, but can fully enjoy every aspect of my trip. I think we very often portray travel as this glorious thing, where everyone is happy all the time, but that is not true. Yes travelling is amazing, it is genuinely a lovely time, you see beautiful places and meet awesome people, but you are also expected to enjoy every second and be happy everyday and just as in everyday life I do not think that is possible or healthy. So while I may look like I am full of joy everyday in my Insta photos and blog posts, I still struggle, I still have bad days, I am sad, mad and tired a lot of the time and I think it is really, really important to be honest about that. I first really, really struggled with mental health and homesickness on my exchange year to the United States. On top of genuinely being absolutely unhappy and miserable, I also felt an intense pressure to enjoy myself and "have the best year of my life", that everyone else seemed to be having. Not only did I feel so uncomfortable where I was and longed for home so badly, I also beat myself up for not being happy. Obviously very helpful.

It took me many years, a lot of journeys and many talks with other people to realise everyone feels bad sometimes - shocker - even on holidays. Because especially when you travel more than two weeks, if you are in a very foreign environment, have little privacy (cough hostels cough) and no support network you will probably not be happy every single day. So acknowledging that, realising that this is normal and understanding that there will be dark days even in bright sunshine is a first essential step to feel better, when feeling down. This applies to travelling, but is actually genuinely so important in everyday life as well. Over time I have developed some strategies to deal with feeling low/sluggish when travelling and maybe they may help you too.

Find structure

One of the things I struggle most with when I am on the go is the lack of routine. Obviously this is also what makes travelling exciting, having a completely different day each day, being flexible, adapting to local customs... I think for one or two weeks of hoidaying getting out of a rut can be really, really healthy and good for you, however when you travel for three months at a certain point you crave the comfort of a routine. My advice is to adapt your normal routine to travelling. I still struggle with meditating in public, which makes it quite difficult in hostel rooms, but I try to do it in parks, when I go for a walk, in quiet moments... I still oil pull and have water before coffee even though that water does not always have lemon in it. I try to watch the news while I have breakfast and I still try to read before I go to bed. Having some of these anchor points for my day makes me feel a lot more grounded than just having no structure at all. It can also be nice to change up your routine. For example I went to a workout class every morning in Melbourne and then did some stretches and meditation afterwards instead of starting my day with that. Pick the things from your routine that are most important to you and try to fit them into your schedule even on the go.

Increase non-excercise movement

Working out on holidays can be difficult. Usually your days are pretty packed, you have no access to a gym, you don´t know where to go for a run and you may have much better things to do than a lifting session. One way to still be active without actually working out is to increase your activity in a less straining way. Walk instead of taking public transport, swim a few laps when you are at the pool, go for or a hike or try a surf class. I have not been a gym at all this year, but I have walked all the way from Bondi to Watson Bay, did some laps in a natural pool and did two hours of surf lessons. I may not lift heavy weights or do a Pilates class, but I still move my body in ways that don´t require a lot of time or me to skip fun activities for the gym.

Enjoy life

Let´s be honest: YOU. ARE. ON. VACATION! Even if you live abroad for a while or have a job there, you will highly likely only be there for a certain amount of time. I am against diets and restricting at any point, but especially when you travel. It not only means you miss out on great treats, it also limits your freedom and probably your fun if you manically try to stick to green juices and salads abroad. When you are on a roadtrip you will likely stop at a McDonald´s and let´s be honest their salads are not really what they are known for. Skipping meals, undereating or worrying too much about your food intake can severely impact your happiness and enjoyment and never should be the top of your priority list. Two weeks on vacation will not ruin a year in which you generally eat healthy and work out, you will not immediately gain ten kilos and honestly even if you do who cares. I think you should enjoy your life and make the best of the time you get to spend abroad. So enjoy every treat and specialty and don´t worry too much about what you eat.

Find alternatives that work for you

That being said you may really feel like a salad from time to time. I have fully enjoyed a girl´s weekend down the coast and consumed literally only variations of bread and fries for three days straight without any guilt, but I did feel like getting some vitamins back in after that weekend. I think that is what "moderation" is all about. Choosing foods you enjoy and love everytime, sometimes more nutrient dense, sometimes a little less. I think especially with fitness/diet/mental health you need to find what works best for you. Maybe you decide to have two large meals where you can indulge and stick to snacks for one meal, because it is cheaper and easier for your busy schedule. Maybe you make one of your meals a large salad, maybe you stick to fruit as a snack. Maybe if there is sandwhiches/burgers stick to one bread/bun and fill up the rest with veggies. Bring some of your own snacks on trips so you don´t have to rely on gas stations such as fresh veggies with dips, fruits or nuts. And be wary of foods, that pretend to be super healthy such as fruit and nut mixes or bliss balls, which usually are made from dried fruits and thus are really sugar laden and calorie dense. They may be great for strenous activities such as hiking, but if you eat them because you think they are a "lighter" alternative to chocolate, at least calorie wise you may as well have a snickers you truly enjoy.
I personally like to make sure I still regularly work out, because it calms me when I feel anxious and even if I were to overeat I don´t see it as quickly. I don´t want you to use excercise as a punishment for eating, it is just a way that works for me, because I don´t want to restrict my eating in any way and know excercising a little makes it possible for me to eat more without gaining weight. Plus living in a van I spend long periods of time sitting and feel better if I move my body a little. I think as long as you find  a way, that does not restrict you such as indulging when eating out/for dinner, but sticking to healthy foods when you cook yourself/for breakfast, you get the best of both worlds. A rule that works for me is to do the best I can in every situation without hating what I eat. For example there are salads at Mc Donald´s but I will probably not like them so I may as well get the burger I actually want and then try to eat something a little more nutritious for my next meal. I generally try to get my five a day in and not only eat junkfood, but I will also not freak out about eating a little less salads and a little more candy for a certain amount of time. You should never ever restrict entire types of food such as carbs or chocolate or chips, because this will only make you crave them more and at least for me always leads to overeating them once I can.

Find an outlet

I personally get quiet anxious at times, when I travel. Especially constantly being surrounded by people in hostel rooms is really detrimental for my mental health. So when I can I avoid dorm rooms. If I cannot avoid them I try to make sure to get out of the hostel cloud, go for a walk, explore for my self and just be outside. Another way for me to feel better mentally is to journal, which I try to do every single day. I also love Yoga, but have found that difficult when I am in a dorm setting, but you could always go to a park or take a Yoga class.
What I want to stress here is that being healthy when you travel is not only food and excercise it is taking care of your mental health as well. If situations make you feel uncomfortable try and remove yourself from them. If you cannot deal with large groups of people, stick to Airbnbs/short term rent. If you are really unhappy when you travel alone, go with friends. If you are absolutely miserable and hate being abroad, book a flight home. None of these things mean you are less than or you not a "real" traveller, they mean you love yourself and find your own ways to express that love. You should never feel guilty for making decisions that make you happier and there is no rule book to being a traveller. 

Find a workout programme, that can travel with you

We usually have very set ideas of what it means to be "fit". We think we need a gym membership, heavy weights, cute outfits or intense workout classes. But not one of these things is mandatory. You can be fit without ever visiting a gym and without Lululemon Yoga pants. I think I am in pretty good shape at the moment and the only thing I have been using for this is body weight. I have been doing circuit training three times a week according to the BBG plan by Kayla Itsines, I go on long walks, I hike, I swim... I live an active lifestyle without a gym. 
If you only enjoy weight based workout you can usually get monthly or daily passes for a gym or there is a huge amount of workout programmes like BBG, the Grace Fit Home Guide, Sweat it to shred it, that you can download on your phone and take with you wherever you go. If you don´t want to invest in a plan, there are a million free workout classes on Youtube. Multiple fitness influencers upload videos on Instagram everyday showing ways to stay fit with minimal equipment, you could even bring a skipping rope/resistance band and you can get a workout in, literally anywhere. What usually works for me is a quick HIIT workout (15-20 minutes) with body weight or an absolute classic: going for a run. Again I am not saying you HAVE to workout when you travel, but I too know how good it is to have those extra endorphins on days you feel low or to free your mind for a little, when your thoughts start spiraling.

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