20:47:00A week ago I graduated from university. For good this time. And even though I handed in my Master thesis at the end of last September and have not had a uni class since last January, it only now fully settled in that I have finished university. Or not even really now. Since coming back from Australia a little over two months ago I feel like I have been wearing transition lenses - only they have not really adjusted to the light conditions I am currently in.
I currently work freelance and due to restrictions at my current workplace I am only allowed to work 10 days a month. So I have an intense amount of free time on my hands and since I have a long-distance relationship I spend a lot of that time in my old student city. And being there makes me feel like an imposter, like I am just playing pretend when I am on campus or in the cafeteria or getting coffee with my friends. Göttingen is a student city, a third of the population are students and almost half of the people here are connected to the uni in one form or another. And here I am - no longer a student but also not fully entered into adulthood. I feel like I am in a weird limbo between two life periods, like my transition lenses are still darkened from the blaring sun of being a student and have not fully accustomed to the dimmer light of full-time work and like I am unable to see where the fuck I am going.
I have been in transit for seven years straight, always planning the next move, next stop, next city and I am tired. I want my lenses to be in one place for long enough to adjust, I want to have the right tint of glass for my current life, I want to truly build a home, I don´t want to have to zig zag between four cities all the damn time.
Obviously your entire twenties are a transition period. You go (slowly but surely) from adolescence to true adulthood. There is a lot of confusion and insecurity and big changes and it is so so fun and so terrifying at the same time. I just feel like after seven years of travelling around like crazy and moving back and forth what feels like a gazillion times and like I need about a year to just have a routine and breath. What I am saying: I am tired of transition lenses and would love a new pair right about now - I am just not sure if I need sunglasses or plain ones.
1 Kommentare
working 1o days a moth is such a good one, you have lots of free time. You look great
Thanks so much for your lovely comments, constructive criticism and suggestions. I will try to answer all of you!