


Six hours in a train. Or around 45 minutes by plane. By car it takes in between five and nine hours. In short it does not take a lot of time from one life to another, from my present to my past.
From people who shared the last year with me to people who have known me since I was six, twelve, fourteen. My suitcase is still unpacked, the week has just rolled in like a tidal wave. I am back at the café I worked in since I was 16, my hand movements, the order numbers and the smile are still the same. We go to the same bars, take the same trains, not even the arrival and departure times have changed. My house and garden still smell the same. I know my friend´s numbers by heart. It is all very familiar, but I am not yet really here. I hang in mid air between studies and waitressing, between English and German, my own flat and my families´ couch and I really do not know when I will really process that I am not just visiting my home town, but that I am here to stay for three months. My transition from one world to another takes way longer than the journey.

Read: The Lord of the Rings. Much like Frodo I do not know if I will ever be home again.
Listened to: Depeche Mode cover bands. A surreal experience
Watched: The evergrowing chaos coming out of my suit case
Loved: Kräutequark my very missed loved
Hated: This heat! I am just not a summer person.
Hoped: For a cool down. Really how can people like this season so much.
Discovered: How wonderful pets are for your well being. They were very much missed.

My little fatty and my beloved town. Two worlds again.

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2 Kommentare

  1. Toller Beitrag. Die ersten Tage nach dem "Wiederkommen" sind wohl die schwersten.

    Liebe Grüße,


Thanks so much for your lovely comments, constructive criticism and suggestions. I will try to answer all of you!
