


If chileans love two things it´s food and partying. Maybe the reason I felt so comfortable in Chile as these are my favourite things on the planet as well. The best place to go for food and going out is Bella Vista, the alternative, artsy district of Chile. It is filled with amazing restaurants and great clubs and if it was good enough for Pablo Neruda it should be good enough for you!


Chilean cuisine is hefty and generally easy. Favourites include corn casseroles and the Chilean Salsa called Pebre, made from tomatoes, onions and cilantro. If you have time attend a traditional Asado (Barbecue). I usually do not like red meat and stick to chicken, but South American beef is on a whole other level.
Chile is also famous for it´s delicious wines and they are truly to die for. Just like with meat I usually stick to whites instead of reds, but the chilean Vino Tinto took my heart by storm. If you drink white wine try another chilean specialty, Vino con Melón, which is just that: a melon filled with white wine with loads of added sugar. Prepare for the headache, but it is worth it!
If you truly do not care about the hangover go for Terremoto, a drink named after earthquakes, because after one you are supposed to walk like the earth is trembling under you.
Santiago has a variety of great restaurants here are just a few of my favourites:

Patio Bellavista

A very chic patio in the heart of Bella Vista, that includes all kinds of restaurants, shops and bars that are all a bit higher priced. It is a very touristic place, but it is very classy and nice. If you are out for a treat, a nice date or a girl´s night here is the place to splurge a little. Zocca offers the best pizza in town and they are so huge, that you can easily share. The Patio also is home to one of the few Froyo shops in Santiago, called Yogen Früz if you like me need your dosis from time to time.

Como Agua para Chocolate 

A beautiful Mexican restaurant in a rose coloured colonial house. The food is delicious and the patio is a truly gorgeous place to enjoy summer nights. Sometimes there are little concerts as well and the whole place is decorated with fairy lights. 


This traditional chilean restaurant is right in the heart of Bella Vista and serves all of the countrie´s favourites such as Pastel de Choclo and Lomo al Pobre. The Galindo is usually crowded, so you might have to wait for a table and it is not too big so you usually sit close to your neighbours, but to me it has the real chilean vibe


Dancing the night away in South America is an incredibly unique experience especially for someone like me with two left feets coming from a country whose favourite dance moves include the "Let me just hold on to the bar", "See I am moving one foot I am dancing" and the classic "Me and my drink are here to check you guys out". Nothing like that in Chile ladies and gentleman, everyone knows how to dance and it is done until the very early morning hours. You usually start with food and drinks in a bar or restaurant, predrinks at home are not too common. Late dinner, late nights, usually you never go out before 2 or 3 am.

Fonda Permanente

La Fonda is the name for the huge party the chileans celebrate on their independence day, including loads of Terremotos, Piscola and the amazing chilean Música Quecka. This club aims to keep this amazing vibe up year round. It is very small, there is usually live music playing und you will be very likely one of the only tourists. For the real chilean night out, this is where you should go!

After Office

One of the greatest inventions in chilean history. These parties take place every wednesday in different locations in Santiago de Chile. They really start early so you usually are drunk at around eight. However if you manage not to attend an afterparty you are also home around one pm. The entrance usually includes one drink and if you manage to get to know one of the promoters (everyone seems to work as a promoter so you will) you get in for free. We usually went to the one at Alto San Francisco, which had a gorgeous roof top terrace.


A gorgeous old building modelled into one of the nicest clubs I have ever been to. This is one of the hipper clubs in Santiago and you will be sorrounded by very cool people in stylish clothes and beautiful tattoos. The club has a huge open dancefloor and a nice bar on the second floor. My first and maybe best night out in Santiago took place here.

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3 Kommentare

  1. oh mein gott.. das essen sieht so verdammt lecker aus!


  2. Sehr interessanter Post! Ich mag solche Reisebeiträge immer total gerne, besonders mit Aspekten zu Food und Lifestyle. Die Bilder sind ebenfalls klasse, besonders das letzte Gruppenfoto.

    Beste Grüße


  3. Sehr schöne Bilder. Du bist ein hübsches Mädchen :)

    Grüße aus: http://blanc-u.blogspot.de/


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